Journal of an Insomniac

An array of thoughts and ideas that keep me awake at night.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

If it's not worth the risk, it's not worth anything

"Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks." - Horodotus

What a strange race we humans are. When things are unpredictable, we panick; when things are predictable, we languish. We cry for adventure, and then shrink back from it. It's strange isn't it? Taking a look back on history, and on who the world admires, one soon realizes that no one has ever been remembered for taking the back seat, keeping our distance, or not speaking up. Everyone who has made an impact on the world has done it by taking a risk. We'd be ashamed of a soldier who was too afraid to take a risk to save his comrades, but would we do the right thing in his shoes?
You'll notice two things about someone who doesn't take risks:
  1. They have a stockpile of dreams they're too afraid to chase, and;
  2. They're bored.

Reading this, you may conjure up images of me as a daredevil - I'm not. I'm even afraid to decide on what to order in a restaurant, for fear I won't like it. I'm about as far from a daredevil as it gets. But I've learned a thing or two about life that has made me look at risk in a new light.

We were made for risks. How else can we explain the popularity of theme parks and extreme sports? They are the world's way of retaliating against a safety-obsessed culture. I'm not saying safety is bad, or extreme sports and theme parks for that matter. But how many of us actually even go outside anymore? When was the last time you explored new territory or put your neck on the line? An increase in safety has also increased the desire for adventure and danger, and that's only natural, it's what life is all about.

A little over a year ago, I went out to a movie with a friend. A friend who happened to be a boy. And I was pretty crazy about him. It was a good movie and a great night. The more time I spent with him, the stronger my feelings for him became. Finally, on the way home, I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned over, and for the briefest second put my head on his shoulder! You're probably laughing at me, but remember, I'm not a risk taker, especially when it comes to love. I went as far as attempting to calculate if I could land on the curb if I jumped out the window, but never having taken physics, I didn't have much success. However terrified I was, that little hint was the final push for him to tell me how he felt. Through a relatively small risk, I got the biggest blessing of my life.

Risks can be scary things, but the best things in life are born of them. I'm not saying go skydiving or bungee jumping (not unless you want to), but don't let fear stop you from speaking your mind, chasing your dreams, going after that dream job or finally telling that certain someone how you feel. It may just be the best risk you ever took. I know mine was.


Blogger Joanne (True Blue) said...

I'm glad you took that risk, Leanne.

2:09 p.m.  

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